illegitimate child

英 [ˌɪləˈdʒɪtəmət tʃaɪld] 美 [ˌɪləˈdʒɪtəmət tʃaɪld]

n.  非婚生子女;私生子


  1. For a prince to divorce his wife was not merely a private sadness but a constitutional bonfire; an illegitimate child was not simply a source of embarrassment but quite possibly the rallying point for revolution or invasion.
  2. Clapton was raised by his grandmother who he thought was his mother until age9 when he learned that his "sister" was actually is mom and he was an illegitimate child.
  3. Wu, chairman of a group win was the illegitimate child, his father after the death of their mother and grandmother Shen will not be recognized by Britain and the United States.
  4. Illegitimate child, a child bear to an unmarried mother ( the child now have certain rights to the property of its parents).
  5. He was discarded as an illegitimate child.
  6. Court order which make the father of an illegitimate child pay for the child's maintenance.
  7. They decided to have a baby and married so I should not be an illegitimate. The child was born on the wrong side of the blanket.
  8. Some people cling to for dear life rottenlyhit must said is someone entertainer's illegitimate child, goes toextremes absurdly.
  9. British press reports say a Saudi princess has been granted asylum after having an illegitimate child by an Englishman.
  10. Rules: no title card "illegitimate child" of the Housing will accommodate?
  11. The mother-of-nine has publicly spoken of her pain at discovering he fathered an illegitimate child.
  12. Maradona returned to play for naples, but after the worm Cup defeat the Italian newspapers began searching out scandal, accusing Maradona of everything from failing to turn up to training, to frequenting brothels and having an illegitimate child with a young Italian woman.
  13. Illegitimate child. Old, denigrating, and now obsolete term for the child of an unmarried mother.
  14. By the end of 1960s, owing to the influence of social reforms, an illegitimate child can enjoy the same rights as a legitimate one, so begins the reform in the proceedings of establishing parentage.



  1. the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents

      Synonym:    bastardby-blowlove childillegitimatewhoreson